Youth Leadership Coaching

We offer One-on-One coaching and leadership training to young people who strive to be future leaders.

If you are interested to sign up for this program
Book a 15-minute call with me to talk about it

I help you:

Define goals, create a plan for achieving them, and stay on task
Provide the support and resources you need to succeed
Help you to better deploy your strengths and partner with peers who are the best fit for you
Understand your strengths and weaknesses and become more self-aware
Find the cause of your thoughts and emotions and how certain reactions are triggered
Understand both positive and negative feelings and control your reactions and achieve more through self-motivation.

Next Youth Program

Starting Aug 19th every Thursday 5-6pm Ending Sep 30th

The cost for this program is 689$

If you have any other questions please contact me Now


Above The Mountain’s Shadow
A Journey of Adventure, Disaster, and Redemption Inspired by the Plight of At-Risk Girls

By: Sara Safari

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