Accountability Partner

Work with your peer group of 7-10 other leaders on a monthly basis.

In short, this is for anyone who wants to grow into becoming the #1 in their industry, stand out from the rest, and make a massive impact on their community and the world.
Become the best version of yourself.If you are interested to sign up for this program
Book a 15-minute call with me to talk about it. Since space is very limited, we’re accepting participants on a first come, first served basis. You must meet the criteria to apply and you will get a response if we feel are the right fit for the group.

Take an Action for yourself
and Join our monthly Mastermind

If you have any other questions please contact me Now


Above The Mountain’s Shadow
A Journey of Adventure, Disaster, and Redemption Inspired by the Plight of At-Risk Girls

By: Sara Safari

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